The Royal Yacht Squadron Isle of Wight Foundation will host the next Marine Careers Fair at the Castle in Cowes on

Thursday 26th September 2024

There will be presentations, workshops and exhibitors from a broad range of marine careers providers, trainers and businesses.

Previous years exhibitors include:

Our main aim for the day is to help young people and their parents explore the vast array of careers available and leave with as much information as they may need to make an informed choice when the time comes.  Our exhibitors will be on hand to discuss qualification requirements, different pathways to gaining an end-goal career, and help everyone explore all the possibilities on offer. We hope that visitors will leave feeling empowered and able to move forward to find a career that excites them.

Our current group of beneficiaries will act as Ambassadors and provide inspiration and information about their personal journey.

For enquiries relating to the next careers fair please email: